I love fruit! Off the top of my head I can't think of one I'd refuse to eat. Growing up in BC we had many more types that grew locally, and as a kid I remember reluctantly having to pick berries. The end result was always worth it...jams, desserts(the names of which I don't know how to spell)...and simply eating it fresh off the bush!
I'm not sure why I've shied away from canning & preserving food. I come from a long line of women who put lots of time and effort into filling the pantry for winter. They never complained and when old enough we "had to" help. I wish I had pictures to show you of the rows upon rows of jars. Pickles, pears, peaches, cherries, beans, to name a few of my favorites.
I wish I had paid more attention when I was still at home, because then maybe the thought of preserving food for my family wouldn't be so daunting.
SO I figured I'd start small. 20 lbs of strawberries, a NO cook NO canning recipe. I am NOT an expert but I know how to follow directions.
I hope that my "notes" and photos will inspire you to give a try! When I added up all the receipts, I can't honestly say it's cheaper to make it, then buy a jar of jam from the store. But I know where the berries came from, I know what I added, and most importantly the process and experience is what matters!!

1 of 4 cute baskets of berries. The farm had gotten some hail about a weak before we went, so some of the berries weren't that "pretty" but they taste amazing and were the perfect softness for jam.
Quick rinse...a little bit a dirt never hurt anyone.
All set up and ready to work. Surprisingly it didn't take me that long to get through the berries. I even had my favorite music blasting...the first local follower to comment who my favorite singer is, gets a FREE jar of jam!!
Straight into the blender...because the less dirty dishes the better!!
It only took a few seconds to blend them. You can leave it a little chunky if you prefer it that way.
4 cups blended fruit, 1 1/2 cups of sugar & pkg of pectin. Very simple! Next time I'd play with the amount of sugar, because the fruit was SO sweet, it probably could have used a little less.
Mix for 3 minutes and put into jars.
A funnel works best...cuts down on the mess
I'm not sure why I've shied away from canning & preserving food. I come from a long line of women who put lots of time and effort into filling the pantry for winter. They never complained and when old enough we "had to" help. I wish I had pictures to show you of the rows upon rows of jars. Pickles, pears, peaches, cherries, beans, to name a few of my favorites.
I wish I had paid more attention when I was still at home, because then maybe the thought of preserving food for my family wouldn't be so daunting.
SO I figured I'd start small. 20 lbs of strawberries, a NO cook NO canning recipe. I am NOT an expert but I know how to follow directions.
I hope that my "notes" and photos will inspire you to give a try! When I added up all the receipts, I can't honestly say it's cheaper to make it, then buy a jar of jam from the store. But I know where the berries came from, I know what I added, and most importantly the process and experience is what matters!!
Find some cheap or free labourers to do the dirty work, thanks P & Q for all your hard work!!
I wanted the cute little jars with the berries on them, but the frugal side of me said no. (Yes M I know you'll be "mad" I bought jars, when you have a whole cabinet fill :)
Yes I'm sure it would have been easier to wash them by hand...but in my house if it fits in the dishwasher it goes in the dishwasher!!